Harness the Media’s Power to Promote Your Book

Getting the most from media exposure that reaches a target audience is a cornerstone of successful book publicity programs. With audiences shrinking for some outlets, often prestigious ones, and growing for others, it takes repurposing and other techniques to succeed. Media companies that began as newspapers and TV networks have often become blended with significant online operations. However, the endorsement implied by their coverage creates a halo for authors trying to promote their books. It’s why traditional PR outreach to editors and producers continues even in an internet-dominated era.

Part of maximizing media coverage today is amplifying it online via your own channels. They would include your website, blog, and social media accounts. When a publicist pitches you for coverage, it’s common for editors and producers to ask about the size of your following. It’s in recognition of your cross-promotional efforts related to your coverage. In other words, the media wants to gain new viewers and readers, and they know if you post links about your coverage, they receive a free “plug.” Today, everyone is trying to increase their audience and visibility, and you have a role to play.

PR campaigns are incremental, which means one good thing leads to another. Things often begin in trade media or local outlets and build to larger ones over several weeks. Every book and author is unique, so you can’t plan your campaign based on anyone else’s, but there are ways it works best. The only way to find out what works for you is to pitch your book to the media and see who bites. If your budget allows a professional publicist, they can help develop key messages and story angles. Finding creative ways to tie your book to current news and events also helps; it can spark more interest.

Authors’ other enormous opportunities with their book PR campaigns are self and business promotion. When you’re interviewed or quoted In the media, you naturally build an author brand. It leads to other opportunities like speaking engagements and often direct business inquiries. More than a few people today write books entirely for the promotional value they bring. Getting PR for your business is challenging, but books receive easier acceptance. When you get in the door, it can lead to more opportunities. Many people have built their businesses with their books.

Business Name:- Smith Publicity, Inc.

Address:- 1415 Marlton Pike East Suite 402, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Phone:- 856-489-8654

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