Successfully Resolve QuickBooks Error 6143 With Effective Methods

A damaged or corrupted company file can be very frustrating for users, especially when running the company file functions. This scenario can lead to QuickBooks Error 6143, which can get triggered due to some recurring factors, like an incorrect or long file name or an incorrect company file extension. This error code needs to be addressed on priority to run the QBW file functions successfully, and QuickBooks error code 6143 can be easily tackled by using the detailed solutions given below.

If the solutions provided below seem too complicated to understand, and the steps are taking longer than expected, you can reach out to our team of QB technicians at 1-855-856-0042 to get immediate help with the company file access issues in QuickBooks.

List of Main Reasons and Factors Leading to QuickBooks Error Message 6143 0

QuickBooks Desktop error 6143 can get triggered due to the common causes and scenarios mentioned below –

  • Your QBW company file name might be too long or contain incorrect spaces, and the file might be stored in an incorrect file folder.
  • Your QuickBooks Desktop application might be outdated or old, and the Windows OS version might not be compatible with the current QB version.
  • The company file you are trying to access might be stored in an external drive, or the company file folder might be changed or damaged.
  • Some Windows security applications or Windows firewall might be misconfigured, which can cause obstructions and blockages while running the company data file.

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Methods to Quickly Terminate QuickBooks Company File Error 6143

Error code 6143 in QuickBooks Desktop can be easily resolved by using the detailed solutions given below –

Step 1 – Edit the Company File Name from the QBW File Folder of the C Drive

If your company file name is not as per QB’s criteria, you need to rename the company file from the C drive.

  • Exit QuickBooks and open the QuickBooks Installation Folder to go to the C Drive, followed by accessing the Company File folder to locate and right-click the company file.
  • Select Rename and remove any extra spaces or special characters from the file name, followed by hitting Enter to reopen QuickBooks and access the company file functions to check the status of the 6143 error code.

Step 2 – Update QB by Downloading the Recent updates from the Update Window of the Help Section

You can address the company file access issues leading to QB error code 6143 by updating QuickBooks Desktop to the latest release in the following manner –

  • Open the QuickBooks Help menu and access the Update window by hitting the Update QuickBooks Desktop option to choose the Reset Updates button.
  • Click the Download Now option, and once the updates are downloaded, select the Install Now button to run the upgraded QB version, followed by accessing the company file and running the functions.


QuickBooks Error 6143 can be reliably eliminated by using the resolution steps given in this blog. If these solutions seem ineffective and the company file access issues persist, you can reach out to us at 1-855-856-0042 to get immediate assistance from our team of QB specialists with the error.

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