Guidelines for Traveling with Pets on Mumbai to Shirdi Cab Journeys

Embarking on a cab journey from Pune airport to Shirdi Cab can be a delightful experience, but for pet owners, the question arises: are pets allowed on board, and do cab services provide accommodations for furry companions? In this article, we’ll explore the guidelines and restrictions for bringing pets on Mumbai to Shirdi cab journeys and examine how cab services cater to passengers traveling with their four-legged friends.

Understanding Pet-Friendly Travel:

1. Growing Pet-Friendly Culture:

With a rising trend in pet ownership, many travelers seek pet-friendly options for their journeys, including cab services.

2. Importance of Guidelines:

Clear guidelines from cab operators ensure a harmonious travel experience for both pet owners and other passengers.

Guidelines for Bringing Pets on Board:

1. Pre-Booking Communication:

  • Overview: Communication with cab operators begins during the pre-booking phase.
  • Procedure:
    • Call Operator Hotline: Inquire about the cab service’s pet policy.
    • Online Booking Notes: Some services allow users to include notes about traveling with pets during the online booking process.

2. Pet Size and Type Restrictions:

  • Overview: Cab operators may have restrictions based on the size and type of pets allowed on board.
  • Considerations:
    • Size Limitations: Some cabs may have size limitations for pets, especially larger breeds.
    • Species Consideration: Clarify if restrictions apply to specific pet species.

Accommodations for Pets:

1. Pet Carriers or Restraints:

  • Overview: Cab services may require pets to be secured in carriers or restrained during the journey.
  • Requirements:
    • Secure Restraints: Ensure pets are secured safely to prevent any disturbances.
    • Carrier Guidelines: Adhere to guidelines for using carriers, especially for smaller pets.

2. Designated Pet-Friendly Cabs:

  • Overview: Some cab services offer designated pet-friendly cabs equipped to accommodate pets comfortably.
  • Advantages:
    • Space Considerations: Pet-friendly cabs may have additional space or designated areas.
    • Reduced Allergen Impact: Designated cabs can help minimize allergen impact on other passengers.

Additional Considerations for Pet Owners:

1. Pet Cleanliness Responsibilities:

  • Overview: Pet owners are typically responsible for maintaining cleanliness during the journey.
  • Guidelines:
    • Bring Necessary Supplies: Carry supplies for cleaning up after pets.
    • Communication: Inform the operator if additional cleaning is required.

2. In-Cab Comfort:

  • Overview: Ensuring the comfort of pets during the journey is crucial.
  • Considerations:
    • Temperature Control: Ensure adequate temperature control for pets, especially in extreme weather.
    • Familiar Items: Bring familiar items for pets to enhance comfort.


Traveling with pets on a Mumbai to Shirdi cab journey is a viable option, provided pet owners adhere to the guidelines and regulations set by cab operators. By communicating effectively, ensuring pet safety and cleanliness, and choosing the right cab service, pet owners can enjoy a seamless journey with their furry companions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I bring my pet on a cab journey from Mumbai to Shirdi?

Many cab services allow pets on board, but it’s essential to check with the specific cab operator beforehand. Inquire about their pet policy, size restrictions, and any additional guidelines for traveling with pets.

2. Are there specific cabs designed for traveling with pets?

Some cab services offer designated pet-friendly cabs equipped to accommodate pets comfortably. These cabs may have additional space or features to ensure a more pleasant journey for both pets and passengers.

3. Are there size restrictions for pets traveling in cabs from Mumbai to Shirdi?

Yes, some cab services may have size restrictions for pets, particularly larger breeds. It’s advisable to check with the cab operator about any limitations on the size and type of pets allowed on board.

4. What responsibilities do pet owners have when traveling in cabs with their pets?

Pet owners are typically responsible for maintaining cleanliness during the journey. This includes bringing necessary supplies for cleaning up after pets. Additionally, ensuring the comfort of pets, adhering to restraint guidelines, and communicating effectively with the cab operator are essential responsibilities.