Top 7 Reasons You Should Never Use a Dissertation Writing Service

We understand that upon reaching the peak of your academic journey, the dissertation, also known as the thesis, may appear to be an overwhelming challenge (BAW, 2022). It makes sense to be tempted to pay someone to write your dissertation for you. You can see the dim light at the end of the tunnel, but your dissertation appears to be a huge obstacle in the way of your success.

We’ll go over seven main arguments against employing a dissertation or thesis writing service in this piece. These motives range from the pragmatic (which you will undoubtedly care about) to the ethical (which you may or may not care about).

1. It’s obvious wrongdoing in the classroom.

It is considered academic dishonesty to have your thesis or dissertation, even partially, written by Custom Master Thesis Writing Service. The writing needs to be done by you, even though dissertation coaching and contracting out non-essential work can be beneficial. Whether or whether you finished the assignments and reports on your own, this could lead to the revocation of your entire degree. If universities believe there has been cheating, they may look into these cases as well. Using a dissertation writing service puts your years of study and labour toward your degree at risk, and it could put you on a blacklist. Furthermore, if your university suspects you of cheating, they may launch an inquiry and suspend your admission for up to five years after you graduate. Therefore, you’re not guaranteed a happy existence just because you got away with anything.

2. It’s probably going to be fraud.

Fraud and academic misconduct are grave concerns. Most people finish their degrees in order to get a job or become more employable. Nonetheless, companies view education as a critical component of the hiring process. If obtaining a degree involved cheating, it would involve utilising false paperwork in order to make money. “Wrongful or criminal deception designed to result in financial or personal advantage” is the definition of fraud. Employers run the danger of having a strong case of fraud or misrepresentation if discovered, which might be harmful, particularly if a legal degree was obtained. This depends on the nation. As a result, exercising caution and being mindful of possible outcomes are crucial.

3. Most likely, you’ll get caught.

Students often believe that if they use Business Dissertation Help services, they won’t be discovered. Universities have resources dedicated to identifying these kinds of services since they are aware of them, particularly with regard to theses and dissertations. Supervision contact is part of the project, and the supervisor can quickly identify inconsistent writing or communication style. This continuous dance between the student and their supervisor cannot include an external dissertation writer.

Universities are able to detect discrepancies in language and overall quality by comparing the falsified dissertation to past written work in the event that suspicions are raised. In addition, as dissertation writing services usually fabricate data, students won’t be able to supply the data sources they request to review.

Since the majority of dissertation writing services are located in developing nations with cheap cost of living and lax data protection laws, hacks and attacks occur frequently. To keep expenses down, they frequently hire independent contractors, thus data security is not a major concern. Although the likelihood is low, businesses can experience hacks that result in customer data being exposed online. It is the responsibility of the individual to keep an eye out for any data breaches.

4. It’s doubtful that the quality will pass.

It is absurd to pay services that help with writing dissertations that guarantees a cheap and fast dissertation. It is impossible to anticipate high-quality work from a business that guarantees a quick and inexpensive dissertation because it takes a lot of time and effort to conduct thorough research and write a thesis or dissertation. After spending several hundred to several thousand dollars to a well-regarded dissertation writer, only to receive work that isn’t passable, students frequently come to Grad Coach. This is due to the fact that no dignified PhD will write theses and dissertations for little pay and under unachievable deadlines.

Furthermore, this kind of labour is morally repugnant to anyone who has gone through the ordeal of receiving a PhD since it contradicts the academic spirit of growth and learning. Hiring a dissertation writer will probably result in work that falls short of the required standard, leaving you with no accomplishment.

5. Dissertation writing services review can be faked

Imagine not receiving anything at all if you thought receiving a poor-quality piece of writing was awful. These services typically fall under the category of “if it looks too good to be true, it probably isn’t.”

Many students who were duped by dissertation writing services have contacted us throughout the years. Usually, it’s businesses and websites that make outrageously low prices and/or fast response times; nevertheless, this can occur with any “degree” of provider. After spending all of their money on a fraud and making no progress at all toward submitting a dissertation or thesis, these students find themselves in a very difficult situation.

Positive dissertation writing service reviews should not be taken as gospel; anything may be falsified online. Recall that you are perusing the evaluations of an organisation whose principal activity is producing counterfeit documents.

6. Passed Up Chance

A dissertation is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to demonstrate your research, expertise, and skill set. You will lose out on this opportunity to showcase your abilities and have a long-lasting influence in your field if someone else writes your dissertation. A thesis may occasionally be revised to become a journal article. As a result, you might pass up the chance to write for publication.

It is not a smart idea to hire someone else to write your dissertation for a number of reasons. It is linked to issues of morality, excellence, and human development. It’s critical that you own up to your mistakes and write your dissertation with honesty and sincerity.

7. You will always have to put up with it.

Alright, so let’s just say that you manage to get away with it. Somehow, you locate a trustworthy organisation that isn’t a fraud, generates a passable dissertation without consulting your supervisor (which is a marvel in and of itself), and doesn’t raise any red flags with examiners or your supervisor. Although it is extremely implausible, as we have already shown, let’s pretend you succeed in some way.

You will be forced to live with the lie for the rest of your life, even if you are successful in doing that. There is no going back in time or setting things right afterwards. Even though it might not seem like a big deal right now, as you age, imposter syndrome will start to bother you. Believe me, imposter syndrome affects many people, including those who have worked hard and gotten degrees, and they shouldn’t have to.

Remember that, then. Your ethical viewpoints will shift as you age, and you won’t be able to go back on the choice you made (Jansen, 2021). You’ll always feel the burden of lying on your shoulders and be concerned about the possibility of being discovered.

We sincerely hope that, after making the effort to read this far, you have realised that, in any case, using a dissertation or thesis writing service is arguably the worst thing you could have done.


Derek Jansen (2021). 6 Reasons You Should NEVER Use A Dissertation Writing Service.

BAW (2022). How Academic Help Providers Save the Students’ Future?