Ultimate Secure Browsers With Their Innovative Safety Features

Today internet is everything for nowadays generation, whether you want to learn something or you want to order some food online the usage of the internet is inevitable. Without the assistance of the internet, most people across the globe would not be able to spend their one day. In order to surf the internet, everyone needs a good browser but along with a good browser, the amount of safety and privacy of that browser is also necessary. There are plenty of browsers that offer ultimate security and safety which is mandatory to consider before using any browser.

Secure browsers and their safety features


Undoubtedly Brave is the most secure browser in the enormous world of the internet and brave not only gives you smooth net surfing but its outstanding safety and privacy features will make your day. Brave browser has been launched in 2016 and brave is the Chromium based web-browser. Brendan Eich is the founder of Brave who was also the developer of Javascript programming language and co-founder of Mozilla firefox.

Brave safety features

  • Brave is able to block third-party ads with the help of a built-in ad blocker
  • Brave has fingerprinting protection and also gives users fingerprint randomization
  • Brave is also able to block website trackers and third-party cookies by default.
  • It has a built-in script blocker.
  • Brave is eligible to upgrade every possible connection to the safest HTTPS.

Google Chrome

There is not even one person in the world who has not used google chrome in their life span. Its popularity indicates that google chrome is one of the safest browsers in today’s internet age which offers lots of security features.

Google Chrome safety features

  • In google chrome, you can demand any website not to track your browsing
  • You can block cookies by your own choices
  • Chrome gives you an alert if you are visiting any malicious website or downloading dangerous files.
  • Chrome gives you a safe browsing option in settings which gives you a heads up about dangerous extensions, malware, phishing, etc.
  • It also highlights the websites in google list which do not have HTTPS encryption.


No one can forget Firefox when it comes to the topic of the safest browsers on the internet. After the eons of release, this browser is still on the list of most trustable and secure internet browsers. Along with the strong privacy, it also has top-notch security and active developers group.

Firefox safety features

  • Firefox gives you the privilege of blocking third-party advertisements.
  • You will be able to enjoy private browsing in Firefox because your clicks while private browsing would not be stored.
  • Firefox blocks malicious and harmful downloads.
  • Firefox has an active development team so its team frequently updates its security and privacy system.
  • Firefox gives you the Do Not Track option so you can request websites not to track your activities.

Tor Browser

It is impossible to talk about the safest browser without adding the Tor browser to the list. You cannot imagine how far Tor can go for its users’ safety and privacy that is the reason why the Tor project or in short Tor is considered one of the highly safe internet browsers.

Tor safety features

  • Tor shields your security via encrypting your surfing connection.
  • Tor conceals your IP address from the websites you visit day to day life.
  • Tor ward off your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to monitor you.
  • Tor shields you from browser fingerprinting.