Unveiling the Art of Perfectly Smoked Pork Butt: A Fatty Butts BBQ Special

In the realm of barbecue aficionados, few dishes elicit as much excitement and passion as the perfectly smoked pork butt. At the heart of this culinary obsession lies Fatty Butts BBQ, a haven for pitmasters and barbecue enthusiasts alike. In this article, we delve into the art and science behind smoking the ideal pork butt, exploring the techniques, flavors, and secrets that make Fatty Butts BBQ a standout in the world of smoked meats.

The Cut:

Before the magic of smoking begins, it all starts with the cut. Fatty Butts BBQ takes pride in selecting high-quality pork butt, also known as pork shoulder. This cut, rich in marbling and collagen, is ideal for low and slow smoking. The interplay of fat and meat throughout the Smoked Pork Butt ensures a succulent and flavorful end result that has become synonymous with Fatty Butts BBQ.

The Rub:

Fatty Butts BBQ believes in keeping it simple yet profound when it comes to seasoning. A carefully crafted rub, featuring a blend of salt, black pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and a hint of brown sugar, forms the foundation of flavor for their smoked pork butt. This well-balanced rub not only enhances the natural taste of the pork but also creates a beautiful bark on the exterior during the smoking process.

The Smoking Process:

At Fatty Butts BBQ, the smoking process is an art form. Using a combination of hardwoods like hickory and applewood, the pork butt is subjected to a slow and low smoking technique. This method allows the collagen in the meat to break down gradually, resulting in a tender, juicy, and perfectly smoked pork butt. The pitmasters at Fatty Butts BBQ understand the importance of patience in achieving barbecue perfection.

Temperature and Time:

Precision is key when it comes to smoking a pork butt at Fatty Butts BBQ. The pitmasters closely monitor the temperature of the smoker to maintain a consistent low heat, usually around 225°F (107°C). This low and slow approach ensures that the pork butt absorbs the smoky flavor while remaining tender. The cooking time varies depending on the size of the pork butt, but on average, it takes 1.5 to 2 hours per pound.

The Stall:

One of the secrets to Fatty Butts BBQ’s mouthwatering smoked pork butt is embracing “the stall.” The stall occurs during the smoking process when the internal temperature of the pork butt plateaus, sometimes for several hours. Instead of rushing through this phase, the pitmasters at Fatty Butts BBQ embrace it, allowing the collagen to further break down, resulting in a more tender and flavorful end product.

The Wrap:

To navigate the stall and enhance tenderness, Fatty Butts BBQ employs the Texas Crutch method. This involves wrapping the pork butt in foil or butcher paper once it reaches a certain temperature. This wrapping helps to push through the stall more quickly while retaining the moisture in the meat.

Resting and Serving:

The final step in Fatty Butts BBQ’s smoked pork butt masterpiece is the crucial resting period. Once the pork butt reaches its target internal temperature, it is allowed to rest for at least an hour. This rest allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, ensuring every bite is moist and flavorful. The result is a smoked pork butt that is tender, succulent, and bursting with smoky goodness.


In the world of barbecue, Fatty Butts BBQ stands out as a beacon of excellence in the realm of smoked pork butt. From the careful selection of the cut to the meticulous smoking process, their commitment to quality and flavor is evident. The next time you find yourself in the pursuit of barbecue perfection, consider the artistry behind Fatty Butts BBQ’s smoked pork butt – a culinary experience that elevates the simple joy of barbecue to new heights.