10 Best Foods to Keep Your Stomach Healthy and Happy

10 Best Foods to Keep Your Stomach Healthy and Happy

Due to people’s lack of awareness, digestive problems like constipation, bloating, cramps, gas, and abdominal pain are exceedingly common today. Your digestive system is essential for your body because it is responsible for sponging nutrients and flushing waste products out of your rectum. The health of your gastrointestinal tract is crucial for your daily life performance and productivity, if your digestive system is not happy, then your whole day will be ruined. That is the reason we listed the top 10 best foods for your better digestion and happy stomach.

10 Foods for a Happy and Healthy Stomach

Whole grains

In order to improve your digestive system, there is no better option than adding whole grains to your diet. Whole grains contain fiber, antioxidants, and other micronutrients, which are best for your overall health. Whole grains soften your feces, which is really helpful for your constipation as well.


Made from milk, yogurt has friendly bacteria called probiotics. This is the good bacteria that improves your digestive activities and keeps your gut healthy. If you truly want to get rid of your digestive problems, then adding yogurt to your diet is the best way to do it.


Bananas are the best fighters for your digestive problems because they are fiber-rich fruit and they have the substance called insulin which helps in the growth of good bacteria in your gut. Bananas are also good for anyone’s diarrhea complication.

Chia seeds

The consumption of chia seeds gives you high-quality dietary fibers, which develop a gel-like substance in your stomach and work as prebiotics. They also promote bacterial growth in the gut, which overall improves your digestion. If you have a constipation problem, then chia seeds are the magical food for you.


Apples are great containers of pectin, which is a great remedy for constipation and diarrhea. Consumption of apples increases the volume of your feces and decreases the chances of intestinal infections.


Digestive enzymes called papain can be found in the tropical fruit papaya. This enzyme is quite helpful during the process of digestion because it breaks down the protein fibers in your stomach. Constipation and bloating complications can also be cured with the consumption of papaya.

Green vegetables

Green vegetables are the finest containers of insoluble fibers. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and kale are the best examples of dietary fibers. A good amount of magnesium can also be found in green vegetables, which improves constipation problems by enhancing muscles in the gastrointestinal tract.


Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage that is fermented with lactic acid, and because of the fermentation, it contains probiotics. Sauerkraut helps enzymes break down nutrients into small chunks, which assists in your digestion a lot.


Beetroot contains a good amount of fiber, potassium, and magnesium, which provide the consumer with a good and healthy digestive system. Problems such as constipation can easily be cured after adding beetroot to your daily salad.

Sweet Potato

As the name suggests, the exquisite sweet potato is not only delicious but also contains lots of healthy traits that are so helpful for your gut system. There is no shortage of fiber in sweet potatoes, and if you eat them with the peel on, you will be able to take advantage of their fibers to the fullest. They have carbohydrates and manganese, which assist in the treatment of peptic and duodenal ulcers.