Have To Watch a Football Match Instead Of My Favorite Cricket

Have To Watch a Football Match Instead Of My Favorite Cricket

Modernization has changed everything from the scratch, back in the days when people used to love to watch melodious songs, and now modern hip hop has been placed inside of people’s hearts. While back then people would love sweet house stories in movies, now instead people love to watch action and modern hookup stories. This modernization has affected the sports industry as well because back in the day mostly ninety percent of the Indian population fell in love with cricket and every child used to play cricket like cricket is their lifeline.

Most of the 90s kids have a special bonding plus love with cricket and I belong to the 90s kid’s generation so I am also a big fan of cricket as well. Modernization does not seem to change me and my feelings toward cricket however, my kids have totally fallen into the pitfall of this modernization. They do not like to live in the old days, well we cannot blame them because every generation has its own mental development. Both of them(Cricket and Football Match) love to eat dinner in their rooms and my elder son has stopped watching cartoons instead, he started watching anime.

My younger kid is 12 years old and the elder one is 15 years old, recently they both found their interest in football and my elder son has become quite sticky with the television and he watches football highlights and matches all day. By following the elder brother the younger one has also found his interest in football as well. I personally do not like to watch football but still, due to my kid’s sake I sometimes do watch some matches, and yet I find it extremely boring.

I already mentioned that I am a fan of cricket and no one in the world can change my mind that cricket is better than football. Even when Sundays arrive still because of my kid’s happiness I have to forcefully watch football which is quite boring. One day, there was the ODI series going on and I need to watch every India match but my wife and kids force me to watch football instead on those days too. I usually got frustrated and roam around my street in order to lessen my frustration. Sometimes I smoke and watch my cricket on my mobile phone but you know, you cannot get much fun watching cricket on small screens like phones and tablets.

Sometimes I missed those days of old times when you can watch cricket even in a barber’s shop but modernization has changed everyone’s mentality and today’s modern kids love to watch other sports than our ancient sports game cricket.